Compressed Air & Gas Experts


3121 Patton Way, Bakersfield, CA 93308



Summit’s RPA-68 is a synthetic refrigeration compressor oil is a synthesized hydrocarbon-alkylate 100 percent full-synthetic formulation for reciprocating, rotary, and centrifugal refrigeration compressors. This product is extremely stable at higher compression temperatures while providing excellent low temperature properties at low evaporator temperatures.  Performance and cost benefits include: Reduced and easier oil draining from the plant; Reduced oil consumption- Up to 70 percent less vs. mineral oils; Reduced deposit formation & low foaming tendency; Excellent seal, paint & plastic compatibility; Extended lubricant service life- Up to 5 times longer vs. mineral oils; Chemically stable in the presence of normal levels of water and air; Extended lubricant service life vs. mineral oils.

RPA-68 refrigeration compressor oil is made for reciprocating, rotary, and centrifugal refrigeration compressor applications using any of several refrigerants including ammonia (R717), R12, R13, R22, R113, R114, R123, R401a, R401b, R402b, R409a, R500, R502 and R503.  Summit RPA-68 is not compatible with R134a and most HFCs.